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Dear PME members,

as a consequence of the proposed changes in the constitution (propositional voting and online voting), clause 2 of the bye laws about the election of trustees needs to be adapted as well.

The current formulation of the clause is the following:

2. Election of trustees
(a) A candidate for a trustee must:
(i) be a member of PME at the time of election;
(ii) not be in violation of clause 12.3(c) of the constitution
(b) A candidate must be nominated by two PME members at least 24 hours before the beginning of the Annual
General Meeting of the members.
(c) In the election the member will write on a ballot paper at most as many candidate names as there are
trustees to be elected. Each name on the ballot paper receives one vote.
(d) The candidates receiving most votes are elected, unless that would violate the clause 12.3 (c) of the
constitution. If that would happen, the next candidate on the list will be elected instead.
(d) Further details about organizing the election are determined by the trustees.

To be in line with the proposed changes in the constitution, we suggest the following new formulation of the subclauses (c) and (d):

(c) In the election the member will vote for as many candidates as there are trustees to be elected. If n new
trustees need to be elected, a member has to give points to exactly n different candidates to conduct a
valid vote. These n candidates must be ranked by giving n, n-1, …, 1 points. If there are more than n
candidates, the other candidates will get zero points from this member.
(d) The n candidates receiving most points are elected, unless that would violate the clause 12.3 (c) of the
constitution. If that would happen, the next candidate on the list will be elected instead.